We went to Pawpaw and Manah's house. They treated us Friday night to THE Cajun restaurant in town with a whole buffet of Cajun delicacies...crabs, crawfish, shrimp, frog legs. Here are some photos...

Mmmmmm, Alligator legs (yes, really). All the girls liked them, but Gloria won the prize. I think she ate four!

Unfortunately I did not get to enjoy the Cajun Cuisine thanks to a little stomach bug we have been passing around. But it was fun to watch everyone else enjoy! Honestly, I would have steered clear of the frog and alligator legs, but I would have loved to sample all of the other yummy stuff! What a treat! THANK YOU Pawpaw and Manah!
Other fun times from our visit...
The tree swing Pawpaw and Daddy built

And the touch-lamp, always a hit with little people!

Finally, cousin Jake's graduation party. He graduates from high school this Saturday!

Jake, in his cleverness, used the kitty to lure Gloria and finally convinced her to let him hold her! She loves kitty cats...and Jake, too!