or more appropriately, Our Triduum Bunny

This little guy appeared in our yard a few evenings ago, and of course the children were enamored with him as were even the adults, in part. But his fate quickly changed. We saw him eying the garden but found the plants untouched. The next evening, though, Austin went out to look around, and his
entire serrano pepper plant was missing...not leaves or branches, the whole thing! (It was small and newly planted, but the only non-heart attack-causing pepper plant he has!...his others are habaneros and piquins). Well, we went from admiring the bunny to banishing him. He has officially been deported. Goodbye Easter Bunny, Hello Resurrection! :)
**Updated: He found his way back in and ate Austin's Piquin plants and some of my Esperanza. Apparently deportation will not be enough, so he will be suffering the death penalty as soon as Austin gets his hands on a pellet gun!
***Updated again...Austin decided to call animal control, who informed us that pellet guns are illegal in city limits. :) So they put a trap out for us. Hope it works!