The older girls went off to roller coasters while Austin and I hung out with the younger crowd. Stephen was given the choice of either group and opted to stay with us.
I think Austin and I enjoyed this Sesame Street parade almost as much as them. We grew up with Sesame Street!
This was our longest day, so after our hotel breakfast, we decided to stay at the water park all day and then transfer to Sea World in the evening and attend the closing show/fireworks.
We all enjoyed the lazy river when the lines were too long for slides and rides or we were just worn out!
The little ones had been asking all day to ride this teacup ferris wheel, so we stopped by on our way to the final show. The older kids caught a roller coaster ride on their way to the stadium, and we met up there.
The show was late but so worth it. There was a pseudo rock concert with a boat and water skiing show going on simultaneously and intermittent fireworks.

Then at the end they brought out this guy with jets on his feet. It was so cool. It reminded me of Iron Man! The fireworks at the end were beautiful. I am pretty sure I have never let the younger crew stay up late enough to see fireworks, so they were all thrilled!
After sleeping in a little and our last yummy hotel breakfast, we went for our last day. We did roller coasters before lunch and then the water park for a few hours afterwards until it was time to head home (trying to beat rush hour traffic out of town)!
Anastasia and I on her favorite ride...the Steel Eel
It got pretty hot before lunch so we hit the arcade and played some games. Daddy made sure everyone went home with a souvenir.We had a very tired 2 year old on the way home, but it was worth it. We had a lot of fun. I just love to see the kids having fun together and letting go of their usual squabbles/cliques. Stephen was quite the gentleman on the trip, offering to push the stroller for me and carry things. And Austin was sweet to take charge of the little ones several times so I could have some fun with the older crowd. We are thankful for such a great trip.