Monday, August 25, 2008


I wasn't sure if I could do it after our week of travels, but we started homeschooling kindergarten with Allia today. I was so glad when I heard that school bus go by at 7:30am...just as she was waking up...that she wasn't on it! Our schooling went wonderfully. Of course, it is still new and exciting, so we will see how it goes later. The big trick will be keeping Mariana happy and feeling like she is getting my attention. She was a little set off this morning that I was spending so much time with Allia. I have activities for her too, but I am trying to just focus on getting the routine down with Allia first. Happy schooling to everyone out there!


Blair said...

Yay for the Kindergarteners! Mine isn't quite so cooperative and Ellie is also a bit put off the past few weeks, but I know we'll get into our groove and things will smooth out in a few weeks!

Rich said...

Richie started today.
