Monday, October 20, 2008

Doctor appointment...

a little late. We had Gloria's 9 month appointment Friday. She weighed 17lb 9oz (25-50 percentile) and was 28 3/4" tall (90th percentile!). She dropped a little in weight, but the doctor said it is probably all that walking around! She is looking a little more petite than her sisters at this age although still pretty tall like them.

Side note: She is also doing better with the shots (afterward...she still cries when she gets them of course!). I am only getting two at a time to ease the burden on her system, and there are still some I will reject. We will also put off the MMR until later since they usually do it at 12 months.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Is Gloria's doctor receiving your vaccination requests well? I am still met with some derision at Milo's appointments, but I love our doctor and don't want to switch - it's tough!