Gloria speaks mostly in phrases/sentences now, but she still has that baby talk cuteness that makes her mostly irresistible. Here are some of my current favorites:
"It my's turn"
"Peepeye Pawpaw" (even when Pawpaw is not here...just whenever she plays "peepeye" which I call peekaboo, but she has taken to Pawpaw's name for the game)
"Tweez" (please)
"Daddy, watch it" (aka watch me, sub any name)
"Be 'cuse pate?" (may I be excusued from the table? I think the pate comes from the big girls being asked to take their plates)
"Weed it" (Read me this book NOW)
"Up tweez" (with arms raised...hold me!)
"Mayana cwies" (she announces when anyone is crying, but subs their name in)
"Deesus, I 'dore you" (Jesus, I adore you...from the girls VBS CD. She freqently says/sings this out of the blue)
"Mommy, peek it" (meaning she wants to see something or look out the window at something)
"Baby buduh milks" (this is how she distinguishes other parts of me from my baby belly now)"Mommy, hide it" (I am hiding, come find me)I am sure there are many more I am forgetting. I may add some later. She is a very demanding, bossy little one. But she also has such a sweet joy for life, is eager to be a part of whatever her sisters are doing (sometimes to their chagrin!) and is by far the most affectionate member of our family (which says a lot because we are all affectionate!) She is always eager to give a hug, kiss or snuggle. What a sweetie!