Thursday, October 1, 2009

St. Thérèse

Today is the feast day of St. Thérèse, one of our favorites and Gloria's namesake (Gloria Mary Thérèse), which is so appropriate since Gloria is our tiny but mighty one. Thérèse is know for her "littleness" both being the youngest of 9 children and her spiritual "littleness" as well, through which she became a great saint!

So, in celebration today we made a paper rose bouquet craft for our table and will enjoy little sweets and treats as we tell stories about St. Thérèse. Gloria was sooo patient while the girls and I worked on the craft which is sooo unlike her! (She usually demands attention the whole time we are trying to homeschool). Just a little extra blessing of the day I guess!

St. Thérèse pray for us!

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