Thursday, May 24, 2012

The ills of having a little brother

Stephen? Oh he is sweet, adorable, generous, loving...most of the time...
but occasionally, like today...
The children were outside while the baby was sleeping on me (she has been taking some of her naps in the swing lately but decided not to today). I had just gotten her good and asleep and was about to prep lunch when...
the children started throwing things outside, harmless things at first like snack (this does make me irate that they were wasting food like that), then balls, then Stephen decided to grab this bar that is part of the double stroller but always falls off and launch it at Gloria's face...
so I hear wailing outside and think, "Oh, great." In burst Allia and Mariana screaming about Gloria gushing blood from her face because Stephen threw something at her. I decide I had better check this out. Sleeping baby in tow, I find her in the garage and see, yes, blood is dripping from her face from a gash under her eye, down her dress and all over the garage. I shoot a dirty look in Stephen's direction and usher wailing Gloria inside where I clean her off and wrap ice in a washcloth for her to hold on her face. Of course this makes her scream even louder and baby starts wiggling awake. So after battling for a few minutes I decide she can give up the cold pack, lay her on the couch and put on a video. Then I proceed to rock the now mostly awake baby back to sleep. Nice. So the whole time I am having a guilt trip looking at my pitiful Gloria laying there on the couch, eye swelling, wishing I could hold and comfort her but instead am patting my overly tired baby (because I only let her get a 30 minute nap on me earlier this morning) back to sleep, thinking I ought to be out disciplining my 2 year old for causing this! After we finally eat lunch, clean up, and I get Stephen down for nap, Gloria is still looking pitiful, refusing to eat, and oozing drops of blood. So I let hubby know, he comes home to check it out and whisks her off to urgent care.

So after five stitches -she didn't even cry!- and an impromptu visit to Chicken Express with Daddy, here she is. Poor baby.

And yes, that is dripped blood on her dress. I didn't ever change her clothes. Wanna sign me up for mom of the year? Maybe next year, k?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh, Kristen. If it makes you feel any better, my mom always told me that the face and head are very bloody areas- one small gash can cause a lot of blood. Gloria will be giving Stephen a hard time about this when they are in their twenties or so. :) Tomorrow will be better.