Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Months Old!

Anastasia is five months old today. Wow!

Sweet girl, you are growing so fast, and we so enjoy watching you blossom! You are a very sweet baby. You have become much more vocal this month and more smiley too. You can roll over but much prefer to play on your back just like your sisters...I wouldn't be surprised if you skip crawling just like they did! You are reaching for toys a lot and like to chew on anything and everything. Maybe we will see some teeth soon?

As for sleep, you are gradually doing better. I have been letting you cry yourself back to sleep when you wake up right after I get you to bed, which is now usually only two nights a week. You have been doing well with that, and this is a huge relief to me. :) You are down to 4 naps a day (was 5) ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours just depending. You are now taking one, sometimes two of your naps in the swing, which is definitely an improvement. But that still means most days two of your naps are still on me. :) You nurse around 7:30pm, and I usually lay you down for bed between 8 and 8:30 after which you sleep most nights until around 4 or 5. Occasionally you wake up earlier but don't seem to be hungry so I have started letting you cry yourself back to sleep when you do, and most nights you do great.

We are just so thankful for our baby girl! What a blessing you are!

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