Thursday, June 13, 2013

VBS Week

Wow...we have been busy with all sorts of summer fun. This week is VBS, and Stephen actually went today. The girls have had tons of fun, but he was not convinced and has been coming home with me. I was actually a little sad to leave him was rather flattering that he would rather spend the morning with me than play games, do crafts, sing songs, etc. with his friends at VBS. We will see how it goes!

I have also been doing some major reorganizing and prioritizing in our school room in addition to the girls starting gymnastics and of course trips to the pool. Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Marianna guest-starred in some footage I was taping today with a lovely display of ribbon dancing! :) I thought this was such a cool program this year, so much to learn and do! (and my boys are actually singing and dancing!) :)