Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Anastasia isms

Some cute ones that Allia and I really want to remember...

The "Beeping"
It took me about a week to figure this one out, but when the cicadas are making their rattling sound in the trees, she calls it beeping. She first came running back indoors after going to play outside, complaining that the neighbor's house was beeping. I thought maybe it was a smoke alarm or car alarm, so I went outside to check it out and didn't hear any beeping. After a few more similar incidents while out on walks, etc. I realized what she was referring to!

Last week we had a false smoke alarm in the middle of the night (yes, it was tons of fun). The next night during prayers, after hearing us discussing our eventful night throughout the day, she prayed for...
"The beeps and the beepers and the whoaeeeeeeee!" None of us could keep a straight face. I think God understood. ;)

Occasionally when we are heading out for errands, the children pack themselves snacks in zip locs. Anastasia has picked up on this. After packing hers, she always asks me to "Screw it" which means zip it closed.

"My tummy's comin' out." I am pretty sure this means she has gas.

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