Thursday, April 9, 2015


I wanted to do an update on Sebastian at one year. I didn't get a chance with all the celebrating on his birthday!

He stayed on track with growth. He was 30 1/4" tall (70th %), 22lb 2 oz (65th %), and his head was 19 1/4" (96%).

He has started walking between things and off on his own a bit, but he usually falls after 8-12 steps.

He has such a sweet, gentle personality. I think he is probably our best behaved in mass at this age - we hardly ever have to leave with him unless he is way overdue for a nap/bedtime. He made it through Holy Week like a champ!

He loves books and turns the pages so gently and carefully. It is precious to see those chubby little fingers working so hard! He has started saying Allia's name (Ah-yah) and has several other words, his favorites being ball and uh-oh. He also says Mama, Dada, Nana (banana), Neh (no), muh (more), dut (that), Seesseh (Jesus). I think there are a few more, but they are very infrequent. Those are his most common.

He likes to be included in anything the older children are doing as long as it is not too rough. He is very cautious, which is why he is still not fully walking yet. That is fine by me for sure, as I am not ready to chase him all over just yet. His favorite food, by far, is banana. He will often crawl up to me in the kitchen and point to the banana holder with a grunt or "Nana" and get very insistent if I don't comply and feed him one!

We love our big one year old boy and just wish he could stay little a bit longer!

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