Friday, September 11, 2015

Happy 12th Birthday!

I was sick the night before, so her day started a little off. But we made the most of it! I had managed to wrap her gifts before I crawled into bed the evening before. So she opened gifts from us and Lito and Lita in my room so I could watch. Austin stayed home so I could recover a bit, so she got the bonus of Daddy being home for her birthday. And our park group was meeting at the park just a block away with cupcakes and all, so Austin let the 3 big girls go to that gathering on their own. Mrs. R even sent cupcakes home with the girls for all of us. So sweet! By lunch I was feeling much better, and Austin ordered Chinese, so we all enjoyed that for sure! Then he made his special smoked ribs for dinner. Yum! We were so happy to celebrate our growing girl. I really can't believe she is 12!

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