Monday, May 2, 2016

End of Season Soccer Tournament

Allia's team had their end of season tournament Saturday after a night of crazy rain. We were so surprised that it was not postponed. But the day turned out to be beautiful, though crazy hot! They went into it in a strong first place position. But the other teams played really well, and they had to work really hard to earn the championship, which they did! The first game was tied 2-2 even after overtime, so they went into a shootout of penalty kicks and won by one kick! Then they won the championship game 2-0, with one of the goals being a header into the goal. It was so cool, and their coach was incredibly proud!
The whole thing was a little bittersweet since this is most likely Allia's last season to play. Next year she either has to be on a coed team or play club soccer, neither of which are appealing options to us. So I took lost of pictures since it might be her last chance to play!
Game 1:

 Game 2:

 Team photo
 We're number 1! They are a great group of girls!
 Their coach let the parents place the medals on their children....proud Daddy!
These guys have been the most amazing coaches the last 3 years. They gave it their all, and you could really tell they cared about these girls. We will treasure the experience for sure! They sure deserved the title Champions!!!

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