Wednesday, November 16, 2016

38 weeks

Baby and I were 38 weeks along yesterday. I had an ultrasound last Friday (but no good photos due to her head being so low) and my doctor's appointment today, and all is looking well. Praise God! So hopefully we will be welcoming our newest little princess the week after Thanksgiving. I actually did a selfie belly pic, even though I have been trying desperately to avoid being in pictures throughout this pregnancy, as I have felt very un-glamorous. But for posterity sake, here we are...
This has been my wardrobe for about 95% of this pregnancy...workout clothes (unless I am at mass or somewhere else where it would be really inappropriate)! I am usually hot natured but most extremely so when pregnant, and I had to first make it through summer. Then, it has been an unusually hot fall (high of 84 today!). So I figure, if I am gonna sweat, may as well be in appropriate clothing! I am really looking forward to wearing normal clothes again. Luckily we are due for our first strong cold front this weekend.

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