Tuesday, April 4, 2017

4 Months Old!

Cecilia turned 4 months old yesterday. As if on cue, she started rolling over just a few days before. However, she cannot roll back yet and doesn't care for tummy time much. So she often relies on her family members to rescue her...good thing there are plenty of us! She is such a happy girl and very social. I cannot talk while nursing her anymore because she will just keep trying to be part of the conversation instead of eating!
13lbs 14oz (45%)
25" (74%)
Head 43.5cm (97%)

She sleeps an average of 6 hours at night before waking up to nurse, occasionally a little more or less. She is taking all of her naps in the swing, which is great for me because I have some hands free time. She adores her siblings and coos and goos at all of us in the sweetest little voice. We are so thankful for this precious girl!

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