Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Birthday stuff

Mariana and I baked together Sunday. We made a cake for the family (I baked, she decorated) and cupcakes for her 4-H robotics club meeting which fell on our actual birthday.
Austin took me out to a nice brunch (in Lito's car) on Sunday. He took the morning off Monday to spend a little extra time with us birthday girls, and the 3 of us went to lunch together. I always love having my sweet Mariana to celebrate with...and it's a nice excuse to extend the celebration over a few days!
Mariana has really blossomed this year. She has made some huge improvements in her figure skating, and it is so wonderful to see her using her gifts in robotics as well. She is very good with Cecilia and has started babysitting for a few other families. I can't wait to see what is in store for her this next year...her last year before becoming a teen! :0

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