Tuesday, August 28, 2018

School starting and a broken finger

We started full time school the week after Austin's big birthday bonanza. This week the big girls start their classes at One Day Academy (Mariana is taking an English class this year). And we started RE on Sunday. So life is getting crazy again. I already find myself missing our summer schedule! :p
And to make things just a little more exciting, when I was getting my classroom ready for RE on Sunday afternoon, Anastasia had a large toy crash down on her finger and break it. This was about 8 minutes before class started and just as my students were arriving but before my co-teacher arrived. Lovely! So we got her some ice, and I dropped her off at class still crying (poor baby!). She was quite brave, and we weren't sure if it was broken because though it looked horrible, she was still moving it without pain. However, Allia (who may have a future in the medical profession) pointed out that she was only moving the big knuckle not the smaller one. And it was bent at that knuckle and couldn't be straightened. So off to urgent care she went yesterday evening. Apparently it is a tuft fracture in the end of her finger. So she has to unenroll from gymnastics, wear a splint, and take it easy for a month. Ahhhh...
These two are such cute buddies. Cecilia climbed on and asked/demanded that Anastasia (who she still calls Annai) swing with her!

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