Sunday, July 22, 2007


Wohoo! We received a G rating based on the fact that so far the only questionable word mentioned was dangerous 1x. Is there a milder rating than G? What if we didn't have that word. Anyway, I hope it does not mean that this blog is too boring. It is definitely not as exciting as Emily's, but she is much more adventurous with her 4 little ones than I am with my 2 + 1 in utero! ;-) Thanks for the link Emily and Lillian!


Em said...

There, I just totally ruined your rating. Now you're PG like me.... if they scan the comments.
And anyway.... what is so alarming about DANGEROUS???!!!!! I use that word at least 1,000 times a day ("don't climb up there, over there, under that, don't eat those berries etc etc etc,... because all of that is DANGEROUS"). Not sure I entirely understand these ratings or "bad words."
Oh, and Kristen, just be thankful it doesn't scan pictures, because I personally believe your blog should be rated R after that snake entry. That post still gives me the shivers and I am almost 30. Ick.

Kristen said...

Thanks so much, Emily!!! Now I don't have to worry about being boring. :-)