I should have known...
I had the laundry all caught up today. I mean, all the dirty baskets were empty, nothing in the washer or dryer and only one load left to fold and put away....
Too good to be true.
A certain someone who I will allow to remain nameless (think
Anne of Green Gables) went to the restroom this afternoon as we prepared for a trip to the pool and used
way too much toilet paper. A certain older sister went in to check that she had flushed and came back quickly to report the potty sounding like a shower and spewing water. She wasn't kidding.
I threw every towel I could find on the floor as I watched the water level in the bathroom quickly rise to an inch and begin seeping into the carpet of the neighboring rooms! I had NO IDEA how to turn the water to the toilet off. I frantically phoned my hubby. Not in his office. Try his cel. Voice mail. Try again...HEEELLP! I finally got him and yelled into the phone, "I am having a major emergency! (he assumed something wrong with me or the baby...oops!) How do I turn the water to the toilet off?!"
Well, it was 4pm, so he graciously came home and helped clear out 4 rooms, vacuum up the extra water, enlisted the initiator of the incident to collect the wet towels (EVERY towel we had in the house!) into a laundry basket, and so it went. Now I have about 3 days worth of laundry to keep me busy.
Too good to be true.