Monday, April 2, 2012

What we've been up to


We have 3 tomato plants, two squash and one eggplant in the big garden. In that pot are the marigolds that are supposed to keep pests away from the tomatoes (I do hope it works...I can't stand those sucker bugs. Ick!)

 Then in this little back addition are thyme, cucumber (so it can climb the fence) and cilantro (a house favorite).

There are also a few plants on the side that Austin planted in the ground with mulch including another tomato, bell pepper and chives :)

Of course there is lots of baby holding going on...

And some touchups from the concrete project. We had some heavy rains that were eroding the bare soil around the porch. So Austin laid some dirt and grass around it to prevent erosion and eventual cracking of the slab....and the constant tracking of mud into the house. :)
Not to mention that Austin is swamped at work with deadlines, and one of their guys quit! Plus preparations for the Triduum and Easter....busy times!

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