Friday, August 3, 2012

7 Months Old

Anastasia is 7 months old today! She is sitting up a little better on her own but still tips a lot. She much prefers her back to her tummy and standing (in the exersaucer or ducky jumper) to anything else. She is pretty much a typical Riddle baby girl because the others were the same way. Stephen was my only crawler! She takes most of her naps by herself now but still requires an occasional Moby nap. She is just a sweet growing girl! She had gained almost a pound when I took her back in for her weight check, so she is back in normal range. Yay!

She scooted out of her baby gym, and I found her laying in the middle of the floor...still on her back of course!

And this is her close up because she is cling-y lately. She hardly lets anyone but me hold her these days!

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