Friday, August 31, 2012

Stephen Funnies

While shopping at HEB, as I have my back turned, Stephen reaches for some candy and knocks the whole box off the shelf, spilling it everywhere. I turn around and say, "Stephen, did you do that?" (knowing full well he did). He has a tremendously guilty look on his face. A passer by, a man with a voice box, says, "You did it. I saw you. You did it." (I think he was teasing, but when you have a raspy voice it comes off a little creepy!). Stephen runs down the aisle toward me saying, "Mommy, Darth Vader told me 'you did it'!"

Last night as we all crowded into the half bath downstairs for toothbrushing (so as not to wake baby sister upstairs), for some reason Mariana rinsed her toothbrush and then, while holding it over the sink got very distracted with something in the opposite direction...perhaps looking for her special toothpaste (she tends to be a little whimsical). The problem is that she happened to be holding the toothbrush right in Stephen's face. The boy loves to suck and chew on toothbrushes, so he joyfully helped himself. Realizing that she had no idea what was happening, I started to giggle. She finally woke up and yelled, "Hey, stop sucking on my toothbrush!" at a very satisfied Stephen. Allia and I were cracking up!

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