Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Amazing Allia

Our sweet girl amazed us yesterday. Monday night just before bed, Austin and I both came down with a wicked stomach bug. Just a few hours later, Mariana joined us. All three of us were up all night and still very sick in the morning, at which point Gloria moved into the sick room too. We had no choice but to quarantine the two little ones downstairs with Allia, pray that they stayed well, and she had to run the house the whole day on her own while we all lay in bed trying to recover. She was amazing. She kept them happy, changed diapers, played movies, made meals, answered door and phones, and brought stuff up to us in the sick room, including some medicine some dear friends delivered for us which finally led to our recovery. We just kept mumbling prayers of thanksgiving for her all day. We finally drug ourselves out of bed briefly in the evening to help a0opls best we could with dinner/bath/bedtime, and everyone was grateful. But the two little ones were so well taken care of. So thankful for our big girl!

And just for smiles, the next morning when we were all downstairs and mostly back to normal again Anastasia said, "I so happy, Mama!" Me too, Annie!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Oh my goodness :( So sorry you all had to go through such a rough time! I always feel so grateful when we all have our health back. So glad you all are well again, and way to go Allia!