Sunday, March 1, 2020


Dear February, Where have you gone?!?
This was by far the busiest February to date, hence the lack of blog posts. We had FIVE swim meets this month, Solo festival for piano, Valentine's day, 40 days for life Benefit, Ash Wednesday, Anastasia's First Reconciliation retreat and receiving the actual sacrament, a trip to Lito and Lita's, a couple of illnesses :/, a robotics competition, a local play, a very busy month of work for Austin, and all of our usual busy-ness. And all in the shortest month of the year! Whew!

She loves Manah's house and often camps out while the rest of us are running around town.
 Robotics team "SaBOTage" (The competition was on Valentine's day!)
  Anastasia swam in her champs meet. We were actually going to skip it, but it was in Cypress the same morning we were visiting Lito and Lita! It was a great experience for her.
Fun decorating cupcakes at Lito and Lita's house
Anastasia's photography
The boys went out for some guy time
 Gloria was so amazing at champs. She moved up to the next time rank in all of her events. It was her first champs meet to wear a tech suit/kneeskin and shave for the meet since she is in the Junior group now. It was a new experience for her and really seemed to help!
Stephen swam very well, and his relay actually qualified for TAGS. But sadly they cannot swim there because one of his teammates turns 11 before the meet, and they qualified as 10 and under. So disappointing, but he still earned a team parka which he has wanted for some time!
Their first year to help serve at the 40 Days for Life benefit.
Mariana even served my table! :)
 Making cheese pizza together after Ash Wednesday mass. One of Mariana's Lenten commitments is to cook with Anastasia!
 First precious!
 And our little tag along buddy wanted a photo too
We burned the paper that she used to write down her sins when we got home...and we may have grabbed a chick fil a shake on our way home. ;)

These two played beautifully in the piano solo festival. Stephen even had Allia's piano teacher as his judge!

Allia swam in her champs meet and improved in all but 1 of her events!

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