Monday, March 16, 2020

Spring Break

Allia spent some time with a friend

We finally made it to bowl together as a family. It was a fun outing!
The next day we left town to go visit our friends, the K family. The kids had been looking forward to this for weeks!

 Our BBQ guys
 These two were the cutest little curly haired buddies!
The next day we hit the art museum which was full of cool activities for the kids.


 Oldest and youngest boy. They were cute buddies.
 Allia was braiding bracelets in her free time for each of the K family girls. She gave Carolyn some tips.
We were sad to say goodbye, as always, especially since we were returning home to the beginning of COVID quarrantines, school closings, etc.

After we returned, we had our Goddaughter's birthday party, which would be the last social gathering we attend, besides mass that evening, as the world began to shut down.

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