Saturday, September 26, 2020

Crazy weekend!

Austin changed jobs, and although we celebrated his first week in his new position on my and Mariana's birthday, we are still on the old insurance until the end of the month. I *might* have jokingly told the children if they needed any trips to urgent care or the ER to get it out of their systems before we switch. Maybe that was a mistake?

Last Friday Sebastian was outside while Stephen and his friend were mowing the yard. He was shot with a rock bullet from the mower in his bottom. It split his shorts, undies and skin right open. So off we went for stitches.

Then on Saturday, barely 24 hours later, Anastasia was racing some friends and tripped. She nearly snapped her collar bone in half. Austin kindly took that trip to Urgent Care since I had just been the day before (on my birthday!). Thankfully it stayed just a bit attached so she will not need surgery. Apparently it's one of the best bones in the body at healing itself so she just has to limit activity to control the pain until it heals.
So today we had a special sausage and pancake on a stick breakfast (a favorite from Lita's house) to celebrate Sebastian getting his stitches out and Anastasia being able to sleep in her top bunk again and take the sling off if she is not in pain. :)

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