Friday, September 18, 2020

Happy 15th Birthday, Mariana!

 We began our birthday opening family gifts after a special breakfast compliments of Austin. One of the kids' favorite things about being in a big family is the many gifts! Pawpaw and Manah even came over to join in the festivities.

At the end, we informed her that there was one more gift "too stinky" to bring inside. So she went outside to find...

Lito was getting rid of his old one so Austin took the opportunity to buy it for Mariana. He brought it back on his return from Abuelita's funeral last month. We went to great lengths to keep it a secret until now. I only let Allia in on it last night so she could be our videographer. The video she took is priceless. Mariana was so surprised and so thankful. It was really sweet.

And this rowdy bunch enjoyed the sound system when she tested it out!

Sadly, the DPS is really backed up due to COVID. We couldn't get an appointment for her permit until December, and that was in a neighboring town 45 minutes away! She will have to stick to parking practice until then. And Allia just may be asking her to borrow it occasionally. ;)

We three September girls had a nice lunch together thanks to JD birthday club, and we picked up enchiladas for dinner. I also received some nice cocoa butter lotion like the kind they had in our beach house last month and a Nutri Ninja blender since ours just broke. Mariana is a big smoothie maker so I teased her that the gift was really for her more than me!

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