Thursday, March 22, 2007



This is Mariana's new "game" at mealtimes. She actually learned it from Allia. A few months ago, Allia started handing us her sippy cup (with napkin in hand) saying, "The Blood of Christ." We have to respond with an Amen and pretend to drink. Then she wipes the sipper with her napkin. So sweet! Now Mariana has picked up on it. She hands her sippy cup to us and says, "Christ, Amen." It is just too cute. I love that they do this. It totally makes sitting at the front in mass worth it...they really are absorbing what is going on even though sometimes it seems like they aren't paying attention at all!

1 comment:

Em said...

Hey Kristen,
Just wanted to let you know that I have been lurking totally uninvited on your blog....
It is great to see your beautiful family!