Thursday, January 10, 2008

Her Story

For those who are interested, here is how our sweet baby Gloria's birth came about:

She made us wait a little just like her predecessor, Mariana...they were both 3 days past their due date. As we were going to bed Saturday night and saying our prayers together (about 10:15pm), Austin prayed earnestly that she might be born that night. No sooner did he finish the sentence, and I started having a strong contraction. He fell asleep, but I never did. About half an hour later I got up to get things ready. The contractions became so frequent (2 min apart) that I decided to wake him up to load the car and go. Mariana came only an hour after we arrived at the hospital, and I didn't want this one born in the car! We packed up and arrived at the hospital around midnight. I was dilated to 6cm. We labored there for a couple of hours. At our arrival we found out that a very pro-abortion doctor was on call for our regular doc We requested another Dr. but were denied, so she came up to talk with us before the birth. She was very nice and asked if we could just agree to take good care of mom and baby and not worry about the rest. So we did. Sweet little Gloria came an hour or so after at 2:39am. It was a quick birth with only a few pushes for her to be born...and that was a blessing because it turned out she had her cord around her neck and leg! She shaped up quickly though and nurses great!

As we were preparing to take our precious bundle home Monday at lunchtime (we don't like to stay in the hospital long), we found out she had a very low resting heart rate (70's!)all morning and couldn't come home. So I had to be undischarged to stay with her and we ended up there another night with an EKG and frequent monitoring. She looks and acts fine, and the Pediatric Cardiologist seems to think all is well. We will see him for a follow-up next week. They seem to think it is just some imbalance in her system that has to work itself out. We thought she was too laid back! She really is the perfect little baby so far. I had forgotten how incredibly sweet newborns are. We are just loving her in all of her sweetness!

She was also very considerate and gave her big sisters a great gift upon her arrival home. Here is Mariana enjoying it...

1 comment:

Em said...

I love birth stories! So glad everything went so well and we will definitely keep your little one in our prayers... though it sounds like she is doing great! I just love the pics you've put up. Newborn babies are just the best, aren't they? I can't wait to hold my own, now.