Thursday, June 5, 2008

It worked!

The 100 Easy Lessons that is. We only made it to lesson 80 (which is a lot farther than most it seems!), and Allia decided school was out for summer since all of her friends are finished. But the most amazing thing happened...she has started reading books like crazy! Here she is reading her Faith and Freedom reader (pardon the unladylike posture!). She read over half of it the other day on her own! I just went over the words that I was not sure she could figure out with her. She only missed! What a girl!


Lillian said...

YEAH!!!!! Great job! I love that program. Its sometimes hard to get started but if you can get past lesson 50 and all the way to 75, your home free. The last few lessons are helpful in learning capitals, etc. but not necessary!

How fun!! Hope she enjoys her summer reading!! Enjoy keeping her supplied with books! LOL!

Blair said...

Way to go, Allia! Hopefully this will motivate Mary Clare...she's just not too crazy about this book! We've done maybe 12 lessons in a year ;-/

Rich said...

Richie was determined (and me, too). We got through all 100 lessons. He has been a reading fanatic ever since. It's interesting how they learn at such a faster pace when they no longer have to rely on you to read the information to them. They can soak it all up on their they do.