Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Kelle linked to this video on her blog...

and it makes me sick too! He is our president now! Yikes!

How can you protect and serve Americans if you are willing to allow mothers to *butcher* their own children...the most innocent and vulnerable of all???!!!

OK, and for all of those people who say PP is not about abortion, they are out to help women, and abortion is just a last option that they want to prevent too...then why is the president-elect (or wanna be at the time) speaking to this group about exactly and only abortion?!

Ok, I am off the soap box now. See ya later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh- thanks Kristen, out came my cocoa puffs- I'd be less sick if you had linked to a 23 minute video of someone actually barfing.
