Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A little update

Well, the girls finally had their second soccer classes Friday morning, and Pawpaw and Manah were here to see. They did so great! Mariana was timid at first, but she really warmed up this time and impressed us all! Allia had a great time too. I don't have photos this time due do the really foggy, sticky, wet icky weather (can you tell I don't like humidity?), but I can't complain because at least the rain held off until the very end of Allia's class! They also received their shirts...and you will never guess what color Mariana picked...

She looks like a bright ray of sunshine with the orange shirt and orange hair!

Also, we are having potty training success!!! Yes, you read that correctly! Mariana is finally not going tee tee in the tub anymore (whew!!!). She now goes solely on her little potty. She even poops on it now except for an occasional dirty pull up at naptime or in the morning. She wakes up dry about 6 out of 7 days a week. She has even started asking to go or just going by herself and then calling me for help to wipe, etc. instead of only going when I make her sit on the potty. Therefore we are having many less accidents! I am SO excited. I thought it was a hopeless cause for a while there, so YAY MARIANA!!!! I am so proud of you, big girl!

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