Thursday, August 30, 2007
A new mattress
can be WAY fun! Who knew? They have these great, cheap bunk bed mattresses at Sam's, and I have been wanting to go ahead and buy one for the girls' top bunk even thought it will (hopefully!) still be a while before we make the big switch (aka: Allia to top bunk and Mariana from crib to bottom bunk). The price mysteriously went up a month ago as all the students started coming back to town. So yesterday I decided to purchase one while shopping since the price was back to normal. I stubbornly lugged the thing out to my car, receiving several kind offers for help from strangers...still got that southern hospitality or just plain pity for a stubborn pregnant lady trying to carry a mattress and handle 2 small children! Anyway, when I finally planted it on the living room floor, it provided boundless entertainment for the girls. They pretended to sleep, put babies down for naps, ran down the entry hallway and plopped into it...You name it. I honestly debated leaving it there for a few day so I could get some things done around here! But the organizer inside got the best of me and I put it in the proper location yesterday afternoon. However, if we have a rainy day we might just pull it out again! What fun!
We received the results yesterday, and it looks like Allia is ok...just going through some weird phase or maybe having trouble keeping up with her rambunctious younger sister! Thanks to all of you who were praying for her!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
What a girl!
Sometimes our Allia just amazes me. Today we went to the doctor to have her checked out. She has been complaining of tiredness for several weeks now...occasionally laying on the couch with a blanket for half an hour or sitting in the stroller while Mariana and I play at the park. Strange stuff. So anyway, we went in today and she had to have blood drawn. She didn't even flinch! I think she actually smiled while they were doing it because they had Clifford on and she thought the dogs were cute. (TV is a treat to her since she barely watches any.) Mommy and the nurses were so amazed. What a brave girl!!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Bumming out
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Too much fun
even for our summer comes to a close and Austin prepares to start another semester of graduate school, we have been very busy having fun and preparing of course. From his birthday to entertaining his parents and sisters this weekend, we have had a lot going on. Here is a photo from the birthday celebration at the local pool last week.

We all had such a great time. This was taken just after both girls went down the big slide. They were so brave. I was really proud!

We all had such a great time. This was taken just after both girls went down the big slide. They were so brave. I was really proud!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Happy, Happy Birthday, hubby!
and solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of course. :-) Austin just happens to have his birthday on one of the few Holy Days of Obligation we have left on the church calendar! We went to a very beautiful vigil mass last night, and much to my surprise he took the day off work today. So we are spending a fun day with Daddy today eating our favorite foods and birthday cake and doing fun things which will include a trip to a fun local pool with water slides, etc after naps and pizza (the free one he won in the crazy dance contest last week!) for dinner! I am so thankful to be able to celebrate such beautiful husband is the best!!! (for me at least ;-) )
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
We have so much to be thankful for...air conditioning ( out there!!!), running water, a healthy family, you name it. Today is one of those days when I am feeling especially thankful, thankful for a breezy morning at the park with lots of friends to play and talk with, thankful for my children. However, at lunch as I sat in Daddy's spot at the head of the table, I felt Allia's warm dirty little feet rest on my leg. I was inclined to move my leg away and ask her to keep her grubby little feet off of me. Then I stopped and realized that those little feet will soon grow big and be able to reach the floor and I will miss those warm little feet on my leg. So I decided to just enjoy her, in all of her almost 4 year oldness. And I was thankful.
I knew it
would pay off someday to have a crazy dancing husband! We had a wonderful time last night at our National Night Out neighborhood BBQ. The girls moon walked, danced, limboed and just really had a great time wearing themselves out. The highlight of the evening for me was the parent/child dance competition. As I heard them announcing it, I thought, "How perfect...I have to find Austin" who was watching Mariana jump in the moon walk. Imagine that...he was running to find me too. So he joined with both girls as his partner and won first prize...two free pizzas! I was so proud. They were great...I only wish I had my camera with me!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Something in the homily today about "vanity of vanities" in this world reminded me of one of my favorite scripture verses as a mommy. I believe we had it in the Sunday gospel several weeks ago.
It is from the Gospel of Matthew "the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
There are those times as a mother that I find myself whining in my head..."Why is it I have to get up ten times during dinner fetching a replacement fork for one that was dropped, getting the ketchup, refilling juice cups, etc. or when folding the laundry, or any other of the tasks that sometimes seems to go unnoticed but consume so much of my time and energy. I love that quote because when I think of it I am reminded that this is one way in which I can unite my vocation to the Son of Man. For a mother's role really is to serve, not to be served and to give her life (aka the lucrative career, the quiet lunch at a quaint restaurant with friends and adult conversation, the full night's sleep with no interruptions) as a ransom for the many, that is the family. When I recall this, it rejuvinates me in the little sacrifices that I am called to offer for my family. I am so thankful for those reminders!
It is from the Gospel of Matthew "the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
There are those times as a mother that I find myself whining in my head..."Why is it I have to get up ten times during dinner fetching a replacement fork for one that was dropped, getting the ketchup, refilling juice cups, etc. or when folding the laundry, or any other of the tasks that sometimes seems to go unnoticed but consume so much of my time and energy. I love that quote because when I think of it I am reminded that this is one way in which I can unite my vocation to the Son of Man. For a mother's role really is to serve, not to be served and to give her life (aka the lucrative career, the quiet lunch at a quaint restaurant with friends and adult conversation, the full night's sleep with no interruptions) as a ransom for the many, that is the family. When I recall this, it rejuvinates me in the little sacrifices that I am called to offer for my family. I am so thankful for those reminders!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Mariana made a big accomplishment today. She acquired that all important life skill of turning doorknobs to open doors. I see trouble in our future...big trouble. Hmmm...if only I could remember which ones have those handy little built-in turn locks.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
IT'S A...

GIRL! We are on a roll here!
In this picture she is upside down curled up with her knee bent toward her head. This is how she stayed almost the entire 45 minute appointment. We were starting to think she would just be a surprise baby, but then she moved for about 10 seconds so we could get a quick glimpse! She reminds me of Allia already. Allia was upside down with legs tightly crossed and still as can be for her ultrasound which is why we never did find out with her!
All looks healthy, and we are all very excited about our sweet girl and can hardly wait to meet her!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
In their blood
While we were visiting my parents for the reunion this past weekend, they treated us to their favorite Cajun restaurant. On weekend nights they feature live Cajun music along with an amazing buffet of crabs, shrimp, gumbo, crawfish and all things deliciously Cajun. As the rest of us relished our meals, the music began and both girls (never before exposed to Cajun music) instantly began moving to the music, practically dancing in their seats. It was great entertainment for all of us and warmed my parents' hearts to see their granddaughters respond so overwhelmingly to their heritage!
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