Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What a girl!

Sometimes our Allia just amazes me. Today we went to the doctor to have her checked out. She has been complaining of tiredness for several weeks now...occasionally laying on the couch with a blanket for half an hour or sitting in the stroller while Mariana and I play at the park. Strange stuff. So anyway, we went in today and she had to have blood drawn. She didn't even flinch! I think she actually smiled while they were doing it because they had Clifford on and she thought the dogs were cute. (TV is a treat to her since she barely watches any.) Mommy and the nurses were so amazed. What a brave girl!!!


Kelle said...

Hannah is the same way with TV. She would rather watch a movie than get a gift even. I don't let her watch much either. One day she actually sat on the couch and told me she was pretending to watch a movie. There's so much for them to see and do without it, not to mention all the junk on it these days. I think it's great that you make it a special treat.

Julia said...

I hope she is okay! Let us know how everything comes out!!!

Hinckley said...

Hey Kristen,
Sounds like you have tough girl there. Hope Allia is okay.