Thursday, August 30, 2007

A new mattress

can be WAY fun! Who knew? They have these great, cheap bunk bed mattresses at Sam's, and I have been wanting to go ahead and buy one for the girls' top bunk even thought it will (hopefully!) still be a while before we make the big switch (aka: Allia to top bunk and Mariana from crib to bottom bunk). The price mysteriously went up a month ago as all the students started coming back to town. So yesterday I decided to purchase one while shopping since the price was back to normal. I stubbornly lugged the thing out to my car, receiving several kind offers for help from strangers...still got that southern hospitality or just plain pity for a stubborn pregnant lady trying to carry a mattress and handle 2 small children! Anyway, when I finally planted it on the living room floor, it provided boundless entertainment for the girls. They pretended to sleep, put babies down for naps, ran down the entry hallway and plopped into it...You name it. I honestly debated leaving it there for a few day so I could get some things done around here! But the organizer inside got the best of me and I put it in the proper location yesterday afternoon. However, if we have a rainy day we might just pull it out again! What fun!

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