Monday, December 3, 2007


A word expressing wonder, awe, surprise. I have heard it so many times in the last two weeks when some cashier or other onlooker or occasionally even a friend asks me when I am due. They look at my belly and say, "Wow." Now seriously, my belly is not that big, and I'm due in only one month! Cut a girl some slack people! ;-)


Em said...

That's hilarious. There is absolutely no way you could possibly have THAT big of a belly. No way. To make you feel better, I got told wow today, not over belly size but over number of kids. I don't think this word means what everyone thinks it means. I mean, 4 isn't THAT many..... just like your belly couldn't possibly be THAT big. I, however (unfortunately) will probably deserve this response at the end of my pregnancy. I totally get HUGE at the end.... all over. I don't think I would take such comments very charitably.

Sarah said...

Kristen - count yourself blessed that they are just now saying "wow." When I was pregnant with Francisco, I started getting the "wows" 3 months before he was due...of course, he ended up being a huge baby...but come on...3 months?