Saturday, June 15, 2024

Field trip and cousin visit

We went on a field trip to Blue Bell Friday with our homeschool gang and were able to bring Lairen and Ryder along with us. We went to the splash pad and had a picnic lunch first. It was so much fun!

Then of course lots of fun with the cousins back at Pawpaw and Manah's house...

Ada loves playing tea party!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

 This guy had his own camp this week. He came home sweaty but happy every day. He really loves baseball!

Dance Camp

 Cecilia enjoyed her 3-day dance camp this week. She was reunited with an old friend and made some new ones. And she danced beautifully!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Piano Recital

 This guy did a lovely job playing his piece this evening and received several awards at the end of the recital. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

New Grill Master

 This guy learned to grill his own chicken!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Long lost friends

 We finally got to see the O family after 3 years of them being stationed in Japan. They made it to Texas from Las Vegas and generously shared about 24 hour with us!

They have grown and changed a lot, but these two guys are still adventurous together! And they still enjoy stocking up on treats for their sleepovers!

Shopping for their first-ever sleepover at ages 10 and 11 then...

Reunited now...

And these two love cooking, crafting and sushi!

So glad they made it back state-side!