Saturday, May 27, 2023

Saturday fun

 We had a few at a 4-H Shooting competition, a few at a water park with friends, and the rest of us swimming and enjoying some ice cream.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Happy Graduation, Mariana!

 I can't believe we have another graduate. We are so proud of this sweet girl and so happy she has such an amazing group of friends to graduate with.

She led the pledge and sang the National Anthem

She surely has a bright future ahead!

Monday, May 15, 2023

PGM Spring Choir Concert

 I can't believe this was Mariana's last concert. I will miss seeing her sing. Everyone did a wonderful job, and the music was beautiful!

It is a long day with rehearsals all afternoon before the concert. These two were a little stir crazy right before!

Sebastian was not enthusiastic about the younger kid choir this year. He decided to sit out next year until he can be in the big choir.
A beautiful descant with Mariana and Nancy

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day!

 We had a lovely day together with delicious food and desserts cooked by my family including lemon rosemary chicken and pasta, beet salad, jalapeno poppers, tiramisu, cake and sangria! Allia spent the whole afternoon with us, and it was so nice to have her around for so long after such a busy semester.

I kept finding this funny girl coloring with her head in a box!

Monday, May 8, 2023

Lasts and Firsts

 Tonight was Mariana's last ever 4-H meeting, and she was recognized as a graduating senior as well as received a gift from the club.

Gloria was inducted as an officer for the first time and will serve as Heath and Safety officer this year.

Sunday, May 7, 2023


 It is watermelon season again, and we enjoyed some with our sweet Goddaughter and family as we celebrated her baptism day.


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Cinco de Mayo

 Some friends invited us to a Cinco de Mayo celebration last night. We had a nice time, yummy food, and they convinced those of us who remained to take a photo before we left!

Friday, May 5, 2023

Guild Audition

 Sebastian had his first piano performance with his new teacher for a judge at guild auditions. He played so well and received excellent scores. We were all very proud!