Saturday, June 15, 2024

Field trip and cousin visit

We went on a field trip to Blue Bell Friday with our homeschool gang and were able to bring Lairen and Ryder along with us. We went to the splash pad and had a picnic lunch first. It was so much fun!

Then of course lots of fun with the cousins back at Pawpaw and Manah's house...

Ada loves playing tea party!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

 This guy had his own camp this week. He came home sweaty but happy every day. He really loves baseball!

Dance Camp

 Cecilia enjoyed her 3-day dance camp this week. She was reunited with an old friend and made some new ones. And she danced beautifully!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Piano Recital

 This guy did a lovely job playing his piece this evening and received several awards at the end of the recital. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

New Grill Master

 This guy learned to grill his own chicken!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Long lost friends

 We finally got to see the O family after 3 years of them being stationed in Japan. They made it to Texas from Las Vegas and generously shared about 24 hour with us!

They have grown and changed a lot, but these two guys are still adventurous together! And they still enjoy stocking up on treats for their sleepovers!

Shopping for their first-ever sleepover at ages 10 and 11 then...

Reunited now...

And these two love cooking, crafting and sushi!

So glad they made it back state-side!

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Our amazing Godson (and many other great teens) graduated today. We are so proud of this wonderful young man. He is a blessing for sure!

We had him over for Austin to give him his grad gift (a set of tools for working on his truck) and to do a repair/maintenance project with him beforehand. Then they showered up, and we had a nice dinner together with the families. We are feeling blessed to have such wonderful friends.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

K Family Trip

 After missing it due to 2 illnesses and them having a new baby last summer, we made it to visit this time. Yay!

We had some fun at the house with a tie dying project, board games, etc. We also took the kids out in age groups for different activities including shopping, ice cream, a movie, and bowling with pizza. We celebrated our sweet Godson's birthday right before we left since it is coming up in a couple of weeks!

There were a lot of thunder storms, and the power went out twice while we were there!

A bird nearly pooped on my head while we were setting up this photo, so we did one with everyone pointing at it. We missed my big girls because they had to leave the day before to get back for work and camp! 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

New Lifeguard!


I am so proud of this girl. She passed a very rigorous training program and even helped train some friends so they could pass too. She has her first shift today (right before we leave town!). I know she will make a stellar (and beautiful) lifeguard for our city pools! 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Field Trip


We went to a local Aquaponics farm and learned how the fish and plants make an ecosystem together. It was really cool!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Broken Finger?!?


On his very first day of summer, he broke his finger playing pool basketball at a friend's house!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Work visitors

 Allia and Mariana currently both work for an upscale, catholic-owned restaurant in town. They frequently see people we know. Tonight some of our good friends were there celebrating their anniversary and snagged a photo with both girls. So sweet!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 We are "fostering" a kitten for Allia that she wanted to adopt but can't keep with her until she moves into her new place this summer. He was the runt of the litter and came to us weak and malnourished. But he perked up quickly with food, water and TLC. He is well-loved now for sure!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day/First Communion

It was a crazy one this year with our Goddaughter making her first holy communion on Mother's Day at 8:30am mass (why our parish started doing this, I have no idea!). But at least we all got to be together at mass except for Allia since our Goddaughter's family was so sweet to reserve seats for all of us. We attended her celebration afterwards, and there was another family there with little ones that all of my kids just adore. So there were lots of snuggles happening. Somehow those were the only photos I managed to get. We did squeeze in a family dinner with Pawpaw and Manah that evening, and Allia joined us for a bit. And they spoiled me with a few treats...A blessed but busy day!