Sunday, April 24, 2022

Senior Piano Recital

Allia played for friends and family at her senior piano recital Saturday. She had a good turnout of friends and family to witness the fruits of her 12 years of piano instruction. She and her amazing instructor put together a great program of music, and we enjoyed some yummy refreshments to celebrate afterwards.

The fun cookies our friend made for the occasion.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Happy Easter!

 We spent the couple of weeks leading up to Easter getting our house ready to sell (we recently purchased an older home that we will be remodeling for the next few months). So I don't have photos from Holy Week except Mariana's performance as Mary in the Passion Play, but in His goodness God allowed us to get a contract Thursday morning. So we were able to focus on the Triduum rather than on keeping our house perfect and running out the door every few hours. What a blessing! Easter morning we opened baskets, went to mass together, and then came home to a yummy lunch with some friends who will be moving away soon. It was a lovely day together.