Monday, April 29, 2024

Video Making

 Gloria and her partner are in a special music video making class for Wranglers this year. They are making a cool Baseball themed video and filmed some of it at the Aggie Baseball stadium!

Sunday, April 28, 2024


Mariana was asked by her former Lil' Wranglers partner to his Senior prom. They looked fabulous and had lots of fun into the wee hours of the night!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

4-H and Soccer Saturday

After celebrating a precious friend's 50th birthday Friday evening (Gloria was babysitter and "Soccer mom" for the kids' practices), we had to split up. I was sad to miss the soccer games but had a great day traveling with Gloria to her District 4-H Food Challenge and Ag ID competitions. They didn't place (1st-5th), but her teams did really well. The competition was really tough this year! 

No soccer photos...Soccer Daddy had his hands full!

Anastasia's photo won Best in Show for her division and category!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Dewberry Jam

 Sebastian and some of his teammates found wild Dewberries growing in the unmown fields at soccer practice. They picked avidly in their free time both at practice and games. Everyone donated theirs to Sebastian after he told them how we made pie out of them a few years ago. We decided to make something more sharable with his teammates. So he made jam and jarred it to give out at practice this week! (Cecilia was an eager helper with both the picking and making).

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Reading time

  I am really gonna miss these moments someday!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Breakfast chef

 This guy requested waffles for breakfast. I informed him that I don't typically make a cooked breakfast on Mondays but he was welcome to do it, so he did! His siblings were delighted!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Field trip and more soccer

 We visited an Alpaca farm with our Homeschool Field Trip group yesterday in a nearby town and learned so much! Then had our third soccer games of the season today.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Soccer Saturday and Baptism Day lunch

Game #2 for these kids. Sebastian scored 2 goals. I'm not sure about Cecilia, but she played 'til her cheeks were red and had tons of fun. So proud of them! Sebastian reminds me so much of Allia with his big strong kicks.

Then Austin, Sebastian and I met Lito for lunch as a belated baptism day treat for Sebastian since yesterday was so crazy. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Track meet

 Stephen had his only in-town track meet this afternoon/evening. We had a crazy busy Friday, but most of us managed to make it to watch him. He did really well in his jumps this time.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse Day!

 We had a busy morning of school and a co-op class but managed to make it home in time to view the eclipse. We stopped by the library before picking Anastasia up from her class, and they had a craft, eclipse themed snacks and even a few pairs of glasses per family, which was perfect since I had only bought a six pack. The weather was cloudy, but we kept getting glimpses here and there. Then the sky cleared briefly just in time to see it!

Mariana went on a big road trip with some friends to a place of totality. They had a great time and said it was really cool to experience!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Country Kids

There is just nothing like a dirt pile...they will spend hours playing together in it. Cecilia even entertained herself alone for over an hour out there. She is definitely a "country girl" and loves to be outside. I love the view from the front porch. It's my new favorite hang out spot (until summer at least!).

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Soccer and Prom!

 We started the day out with 8am soccer games and ended with Gloria going to homeschool prom.

I sure love this beautiful girl!

Friday, April 5, 2024

New Tires!

 We knew the truck needed new tires when we bought it, but Gloria wanted to save up to get some nicer ones plus new rims. She was finally ready, and we were able to get them put on right before prom so she could go in style. Sadly, someone rear ended Austin on his way home from the tire shop, but at least it looks fancier from the side! :/

Easter Kite flying

She had been wanting a kite and received one in her Easter basket. God generously provided us with wind during the whole Octave week!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Cookie making

 These two made and bagged 72 cookies (well, actually more so that we could have a few) on behalf of Stephen's 4-H Air Rifle/Pistol team to donate to the NRA banquet. It was quite a feat!