Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Solemnity of the Assumtion of Mary and...

Happy Birthday to my sweet Austin! The old geezer turns 30 today! ;-) Lucky for me I am still a young twenty-something (at least for another month!).

What a day for celebration. We started the day bright and early with 7am mass, at which all 3 girls behaved beautifully, followed by a quick breakfast of birthday cake. Then he was off to work, and the girls and I colored pictures of Mary and then ran errands. This afternoon we will have a special tea party (pictures to come hopefully) and then a yummy dinner out to continue the celebration of two of my favorite people! Thank you, God, for the life of my wonderful husband and for your mother, Mary!

The tea party...

And my little "walker" who is pulling up on my hands to walk every chance she gets and tries to use anything else she can...gotta keep up with those sisters!

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