Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Playing Doctor

Me: Ohhhhh *moan* I feel so siiiick.

Dr. Allia: Ok, let me check and see what is wrong. (takes temp. and blood pressure) Yes, everything is very high.

Me: Oh, no. Am I sick?

Dr. Allia: Yes....hmmm....I think that I will have to open up your leg and look inside. I think that you have some pieces of glass in it, and that is making you sick. I will have to take them out and throw them in the trash.

Me: Oh, wow!

Dr. Allia: (Cuts my legs open (without anesthesia!), removes glass, throws it in the trash, sews my leg back up.) Ok, here is your medicine. You are better so you can go home.

Me: I am ready to go home already?

Dr. Allia: Yep!

Me: Um, thanks, Doctor!


Rich said...

She may have just saved your life. Glass-in-the-leg disease is so subtle that many don't realize it until too late.

Kristen said...

Yep..what a close one!