Sunday, January 25, 2015

10 Months Old!

Sebastian is 10 months old today. I had he and Anastasia's well checks on Friday. Here are their stats:

Height 29" 60%
21 lbs. 65%
Head 18.9" 98%

Height 37.5" 60%
Weight  28.5 lbs. 25%

Sebastian was right on for his developmental assessment. All the cute things he does are age appropriate. Go figure! ;)

Anastasia's part of the appointment was quite entertaining. The doctor asked her lots of questions. At one point, she had to try and identify a partially drawn person. They are supposed to respond that it is a person/man/woman/child. She said "It's a bumblebee."

Dr. Svendsen asked her, "What do you like to eat?"
Anastasia "Lollypops."
D"Mmm. Those are good. What do you like for dinner?"
A"Meat." (really?)
D "Do you like apples?"
A (vehemently) "NO!"
D "Whoa, ok, you really don't like apples?"
A "I don't like fruit. It is yucky." (the doc and I talk about how she doesn't like any fruit at all, how this is unusual. hearing us, she continues...)
A"I don't eat the regular yogurt, just the new gogurt. The regular yogurt has fruit in it. It is yucky. I just like the gogurt."
D "She is a good talker!"
(I explain that she does drink OJ -weird for someone who doesn't like fruit at all - and also eats broccoli, brussel sprouts and asparagus).
D "Mmmm. Those are my favorite vegetables. You have good taste."
A "Yeah, I like asparagus."

What a girl, that one!

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