Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sebastian!!!

We had a great time celebrating our sweet boy Saturday. We actually started early by bringing cupcakes to our park group on Friday morning where a couple of other little ones were also celebrating birthdays.
The girls had a sleepover with some friends that night that was originally not at our house but was moved to our house due to weather (it was supposed to be in a backyard tent!). We played a few minute to win it games.
So he woke up Saturday morning to a house full of family, friends and gifts...
From Lito and Lita he received this little motorized car.

 He got his own light saber from Daddy!
He was a little afraid of the car at first, but he warmed up to it once he saw how much fun Anastasia was having riding up and down the street jamming to the actually plays music, 80's music!
Then the younger brothers of the girls who stayed the night came over to play and share pizza and cake. They really enjoyed the sandbox, now full of fresh sand which was his gift from Pawpaw and Manah. He and his friend J played in there for at least 45 minutes!

The cookie cake which Mariana had volunteered to do but I ended up doing most of!
We went to mass in the evening, and he looked so handsome in his suspenders from his Godparents!
We are so thankful for this sweet guy. He is such a great communicator, loves playing with his siblings, is really into monster trucks and construction equipment, and is supers sweet most of the time...we are hoping the last of those tantrum twos goes away soon! Thank God for our sweet Sebastian!

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