Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Shelter in Place

What we've been up to...
When social distancing was ordered but not shelter in place yet...
The kids' swim team has been sending out workouts for them to do and has also done some Zoom workouts to help them stay in shape without their daily swimming.

Lots of walks and bike/scooter rides...
And good ol' chillaxing...
These girls loooove to play memory and have become so good they can beat me now.
Daddy made up this crazy game where someone is under the pillow pile, and everyone else takes turns jumping on them. This was Cecilia's turn (see her cute little feet sticking out?). She thought it was hilarious!

Other outside time...the only way to stay sane

Stephen just decided to take Sebastian out and teach him to ride with no training wheels. I was so surprised and touched that he did that...and that it succeeded! This is great because now he can come along on longer bike rides with us, and we have been taking many thanks to quarantine. It only took him about one more day to get the hang of starting off without help. He practiced and practiced until he got it (Now to get him to remember to wear shoes!).

Collecting Roly Polys
Crafts of all sorts. Anastasia decided to make this beach scene of toothpick people at the beach featuring ourselves and the family we visited over spring break.
Painting flags and things on Pawpaw's fence
 And of course Austin is working from home, and we have our chores, online classes, etc. It is such a strange time but not without blessings. I have always lamented being too busy in the spring to enjoy the nice weather. By the time school and activities are over, it is too hot. But boy are we enjoying it this year! It is really nice to see so many families spending time outdoors together. And I must admit I enjoy having all of my family under one roof most of the time. (Shhh...don't tell!).

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