Monday, January 4, 2021

Ringing in 2021

 We went Christmas caroling to a few friends' houses to deliver gifts and say hello. Then we went on to a New Year's Eve party. It was supposed to be outdoors, but it had rained all day and became dreadfully cold. So some of the party was indoors and some was in the garage! The kids all really enjoyed it. Then we started out 2021 with a beautiful mass for which the older girls sang. :)

Later that day, we found out many of our music ministers at the parish had possible exposure to covid and were quarantined. So for Sunday mass we had no instrumentalist and only 4 vocalists including our 2 girls. Austin jumped in and offered to cantor and direct if Allia played piano. So she stepped up, learned the music and played for the whole (livestreamed!) mass (after 2 mini rehearsals here at our house). It was so beautiful, and they received so many compliments and words of praise after mass. I was SO proud of them!

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