Saturday, March 30, 2024

Holy Saturday

We spent time preparing our hearts and minds for Jesus during lent and especially this Holy Week. We watched our youth in the passion play (including Gloria as a "weeping woman"), attended the beautiful Mass of the Lord's Supper (at which Austin directed and Gloria sang with the Women's Schola), attended the Veneration of the Cross (at which Mariana sang with an amazing choir), and all but Cecilia and I attended Tenebrae. It was busy but just such an incredible way to prepare. 

Today we are preparing our home and table for Easter. ALL the kids dyed eggs with the grandparents while I grocery shopped and began some of the food prep. They made crowns of glory and helped me make desserts and get the house tidied up, table set, eggs stuffed, etc. It is truly a group effort. We even squeezed in some garden prep in the afternoon so Sebastian could start his gardening project before the weather gets too warm. We are so ready to celebrate Easter with family and friends tomorrow (or tonight for Mariana and Gloria as they attend the Vigil).

Anastasia made Macarons with Allia and even took photos of them for her photography project.

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